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Harsh Patel

A podcast to bring into the spotlight some of the most obvious yet meaningful lessons everyone should know. As a 22-year-old, I believe there is a need to echo a few things that our generation needs to hear as we continue to grow and develop. You might just find something you’ve always wanted to tell yourself but never got to say it.

A self-help podcast

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You Suffer More In Your Imagination Than Reality

Summary Namaste! Did you think that your brown genie wouldn’t show up to kill those Monday blues? Nope, I’m right here. This episode portrays how most of your problems are in your head. The moment you stop giving power to the thoughts in your head, you will realize that you are able to achieve a…

Are You Respecting Yourself Enough?

Summary *Poof* The brown genie has actually turned blue because of a throat infection but I still got myself to release this episode because I didn’t want to break the frequency of releases. This episode is one of my favorites because there are times I keep forgetting to respect myself and place others above me.…

You Need To Stop Over Apologizing

Summary Namaste!  Your brown genie, Harsh Patel, is back with an essential episode for all of us who sometimes get into a habit of over-apologizing.  Also, did I tell you that July will be legen-wait for it-dary? No? Well, it’s going to be legendary. Have a tremendous mid-year folks. Enjoy your victories and celebrate this…

Your Host

Harsh Patel

A college graduate who is an engineer during the day and a creative artist during the night. Starting a podcast is his way of connecting with himself and those around the world. He believes that mental health is the core of our behavior and success. He has an immense curiosity for photography, dance, and music.

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